Open Positions
POSTDOCTORAL RESEARCHERSI’m looking for multiple postdocs to work on computational modeling and simulations of biomolecular self-assembly. Primary research responsibilities will be developing computational models; simulation and analysis techniques to study cancer-related transcriptional condensates. |
SENIOR SCIENTISTSI’m looking for senior computational scientists to work on computational modeling and simulations of biomolecular self-assembly. Primary research responsibilities will include developing surrogate machine learning models (multiscale models) and/or machine learning-accelerated sampling techniques. Please contact us through the contact form with your CV, a brief cover letter, and contact information of 3 references if you are interested! |
GRADUATE STUDENTSWe have multiple openings for graduate students. Don’t hesitate to stop into my office S331 in Engineering Building 1! Prospective students are welcome to inquire about positions through the contact form |
UNDERGRADUATE RESEARCHERSWe always have available positions for undergraduate researchers! Please inquire about positions through the contact form |